Introducing the Zombies, Run! Season 3 writing team

Zombies, Run! lead writer, Naomi Alderman, pops into the blog with the first in a series of posts about the writing and development of the story in Season 3. First up, an introduction to the writing team.

With only a few days to go until Zombies, Run Season 3 is available, I thought it was a good moment to say a bit about the core team who’ve been working on the story with me. 

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they realise that they might need a bit of help in coming up with more ideas for why an unnamed genderless protagonist is running away from zombies – and start to think that a more American ‘writer’s room’ model might work better. So, this season I’ve been privileged to work with a fabulous team of writers. 

Rebecca Levene – author, editor, TV writer and general ‘person who puts up with my terrible zombie-related moodswings’ has been my right-hand woman on Season 3. We’ve spent days walking up and down hills shouting at each other about plot. She raises the awkward questions (“but *why* would he have done that, since there’s another much simpler way to do it like this?” “shut up” “I’m right though” “shut up”) which means that the thing actually makes sense and we’ve worked out the major plot arc together. Bex has also written a bunch of hilarious, creepy, exciting, scary episodes!

I’m thrilled that our “up from the ranks” fan writer Andrea Klassen is back. Andrea’s writing is always so incredibly characterful and rich. She comes up with ideas for character backstory that are just *perfect*, and makes me wonder why I didn’t think of it myself. 

This season I’ve also brought on a couple of new-to-Zombies, Run! writers: Gavin Inglis and David Bryher. David’s an accomplished writer of games and audio drama. He worked with me on some storylining for The Walk – the creepiest missions in The Walk came from his ideas so I knew he could do a fab job on giving all our Runners Five a good scare. Gavin’s a writer and performer with a brilliantly distinctive voice and style. Check out his Cthulhu-esque Choice of Games ‘Eerie Estate Agent’, with the combination of comedy and terror that makes him a perfect choice for ZR. 

There are some fantastic guest-writers to announce for this season too… but I might just save that for another post!